our products

Purchase beef as a whole for $3,600,
1/2 for $1,800,
1/4 for $900, or
One share “1/16” for $200.
Burger only in one pound packages minimum of 25 lbs at $6.50 per pound.
Standard cuts are:
3lbs roasts
3/4″ steaks
1 pound packages

Purchase pork by the whole for $900 or 1/2 for $450.
Curing of hams and bacon is extra.

Lamb is sold as a whole and price varies.
Please contact us for availability and current price.

We typically rotate raising the following forages on our land: alfalfa, alfalfa/grass mix, grass, oat hay, and straw.
Hay is baled into 4’X4′ bales or 65 lb 2 string bales.
Please contact us for availability of forages and prices.

We rotate raising grains on the farm and typically harvest wheat, barley, or oats for grain. We sell it in large quantities by the truck load or we can sell it in smaller quantities.
Please contact us for availability and prices.
Visit Today
Store Hours
M-F: 7am – 5:30pm
Sat: 7am – 12pm
Sun: Closed